Skin Camouflage? Expertise. Knowledge. Experience… Discover here in this blog post how Babs Forman delivers life changing skin transformations. Get the Look from www.londonskincamouflage.co.uk/skin-camouflage/

Have you heard about skin camouflage? It’s a service designed for anyone who would like to be able to conceal a scar or other difficult skin condition. If you enjoy playing rugby, chances are you have some scar tissue somewhere to show for it! It can be hard having people stare or ask questions, or just silently wonder or assume. I’m often told people assume that they got their scars in fights rather than on the pitch… and maybe that’s not the first impression you want people to have of you. If you feel self-conscious about having a scar on display, or feel like it’s affecting your confidence or how you live your life, skin camouflage could help.
Skin Confident offers skin camouflage consultations that will teach you how to use products that can effectively conceal scars so that they are not as visible any more. The scars will not totally disappear, but they will not the first thing people notice about you, and will not draw attention to themselves in the same way.

The trickiest part about skin camouflage is finding the perfect colour match so that the products conceal the area rather than drawing more attention to it – that’s where I come in. I will advise you on the shade to use and the best products to fit around your lifestyle. Whatever your requirements are, I will do my best to match them. Skin camouflage cannot be ordered online – it is a tailor-made, bespoke solution just for you. It is a quick and easy solution that can be incorporated into your daily life, and let you live life to the fullest without worrying about your scars or skin conditions.
See www.londonskincamouflage.co.uk/skin-camouflage/ for more information, or email me at babs@skinconfident.uk