Dr Will’s no refined sugar condiments Tomato Ketchup, Beetroot Ketchup and BBQ Sauce. www.dr-wills.com

Appalled by the huge amount of hidden sugars in Britain’s favourite sauces, a Doctor and restaurant owner team spent over a year developing delicious healthy alternatives.
Dr Will’s have a range of all natural condiments. The ketchups: Tomato Ketchup and Beetroot Ketchup, and the BBQ Sauce are free from refined sugar and sweetened naturally using two dates per bottle. Dr Will’s condiments are vegan and gluten free, and contain nothing artificial ever.
Hidden sugars are now struggling to remain hidden, with increased media coverage highlighting the problem and consumers becoming increasingly aware of the dangers of too much sugar. The World Health Organisation now advises adults to consume a maximum of 25g, or six teaspoons, per day.
Shocked that a decent dollop of normal ketchup contains around two teaspoons of sugar – a third of the daily maximum advised by the World Health Organisation – the founders decided to develop a new range of sauces themselves. Dr Will’s, with no added sugars, no sweeteners, no preservatives and nothing artificial, was born.

Tomato Ketchup: An all natural, vibrant and fruity tomato ketchup, which contains only naturally occurring sugars and doesn’t compromise on flavour.
Beetroot Ketchup: An all natural, tangy and earthy beetroot ketchup. All the sweetness comes from juicy tomatoes, gooey dates and perfectly ripe beetroots.
BBQ Sauce: An all natural, smokey and moreish BBQ Sauce, made with red peppers, naturally smoked water and never any refined sugar!
Stockist: Ocado, Amazon and the Dr Will’s website.
RRP: £3.50 per bottle.