Halloween is just happening, the office parties are starting, its will soon be Christmas & 2019!

Halloween is just happening, the office parties are starting, its will soon be Christmas & 2019!

Where has this year gone already! 6 weeks ago it was still summer and now within 6 weeks we have had the first snow fall and the clocks have changed and its dark by 5.30pm! We manage this transition so successfully, and the festivals and seasonal events help us do this in an enjoyable way! It is darker, it is colder, it would be so easy to withdraw from society but people would be just in their homes staring at the four walls, and partly this is unavoidable to a degree and that is why having little seasonal objects and decorations and even multi coloured lights flashing in the evenings, and just a little candle that keep the flame lit on the dark evenings after you get home from work (safely of course, perhaps contained within a purpose made safety candle holder) brightens up the dark evenings, bringing change to our home interiors and breaking up the otherwise dull surroundings!

But you can bring another bright light to your life during these times which happen every year! (you can find love in Manchester by searching online for a manchester dating site ) You could bring the gift of companionship, of courtship and romance, not only to your own life but to another persons, to bring change and to brighten up and bring light to yours and to their life.

Companionship and love and romance is a wonderful way to improve your life, it has even been shown among psychological, / social sciences research that relationships and intimacy is a major contributor to people’s feelings of well being! (find that love by searching for dating sites in manchester ) When you meet someone during the autumn and Winter months it brings a special significance to the events that characterise this time such as Halloween, Office parties, Christmas and New Year and with people cleaning up their lives currently we are all rediscovering an appreciation and awareness that the basics of life and living are sometimes the most wonderful lights in our lives. Family, tradition, loving relationships and time spent with people who have our best interests at hear. Which is how its supposed to be.

This can happen at any time of life, it is not only available to the 18-46 age bracket, senior dating is a major growth area, do not exclude yourself or others from dating based on age! Take the plunge and explore dating for senior people!

As always choose wisely, use your experience resources to find a partner that you can enjoy life with and develop your passions whether that be trading  on the stock market together, or having planned children and raising well adjusted children and giving the gifts of rationality and common sense to them, and watching them and encouraging them to grow with two feet planted firmly in reality are the miracles of life.

This such a wonderful opportunity and brings true value to our lives.

Very best wishes!

Rugby Rep Dating Editor.

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