thegutco… transform your health from the inside out.

thegutco… transform your health from the inside out.

The Gut Co – by Sas Parsad, who following a Crohn’s diagnosis discovered the importance of supporting the gut, with a range of supplements made to promote gut health.

Redefining probiotics with their multi-component gut-first formulas, they have designed a range of supplements that have proven effective in clinical peer-reviewed trials.

We can’t always avoid stressful situations in life, while managing stress is crucial to avoiding high cortisol levels, looking after your gut also has a massive impact!
👉 Avoid foods such as refined sugar which disrupt the gut microbiome. Refined sugar is found in many sweet treats like cakes, biscuits and chocolate.
👉 Add more good bacteria to the gut. You do this by consuming probiotics through foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut and pickles and/or taking a good quality supplement.

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