BLOG 2! “Painting together again! Watercolours with easels and white painting aprons on & a picnic! Christmas & New Year! Such a wonderful time for Romance!” Rugby Rep… Romance Correspondent!

BLOG 2! “Painting together again! Watercolours with easels and white painting aprons on & a picnic! Christmas & New Year! Such a wonderful time for Romance!” Rugby Rep… Romance Correspondent!

If you are lucky enough on these cold days of dark winter to find a little oasis of light, a day of clear skies and sunshine, you must seize the opportunity! Get out into nature, grab your easels and painting garments which can be worn over thermals so its all not too bulky and affecting your ability to get into nature with all your paints and brushes, the easel, canvas and the painting stand!

If your going to do this properly then planning is ultra important! When your hiking with dates you could be using that time to scout areas, knowing that the winter light is sparse and when the day comes around Christmas and New Year (you might only get one or 2 days of light per month) you are totally ready to grab your tools and supplies, in your pre-prepped hiking pack (from Osprey for example who do really really super back packs) to get out to that location for your perfect winter painting! With your romance partner who you may have found by simply searching staffordshire dating and following through with the results of that search!

Christmas and New Year is a time of celebration, of bringing light into our lives and into the live of others! So, if you are and have kept up to date with your pass-times especially if those are your main occupation in life then this really should be reflected in your online dating profiles! How on earth are we supposed to have things to do together with loved ones of a romantic significance if we have not kept up to date with our knowledge and skills in the humanities and arts! Or mechanics or any of the human areas of knowledge which engage us and which you can do together with romantic partners!

If you have been prepping then Christmas and New Year is a time of celebration, goodwill and love to all, is just a perfect time to form romances, just imaging going to the carol singing event together and just singing, which lifts our spirits together, so wonderfully and really lifts us into a feeling of completeness, just imaging if we did not have these things happening and to do together, and that is also where we can go on dates together! Yes! Singing, painting, carving and pottery, yes also visiting traditional art galleries and attending classical music events but also actively working together to obtain and train ourselves in the skills of the crafts and musicianship so that you can paint together, or garden, or play a duet with cello and violin for example, which really are the memories you will cherish! Having spent that time together achieving something really enriching!

So, its not too late to get your easel, paints and things together, get your profile up to date and get out their enjoying culture and doing culture because its actually perfect for the soul.

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