Coronavirus spreading possible pandemic what should rugby fans, players and teams be doing? Stadiums / Travel, be alert, monitor, act on facts, #prepare.

Coronavirus spreading possible pandemic what should rugby fans, players and teams be doing?

It is essential to monitor the situation very very closely. For fans, players preparing for a pandemic scenario and taking precautions to minimise your potential exposure to the virus is essential!

Taking steps to have evacuation meet up points for your family and understanding basic bio hazard precautions such as suits and gas masks.

Check the updates from disease control centers and experts.

Prepare items such as clothing, a bug out bag. Where is the safest place to be in an outbreak scenario. What items are essential to carry with you. On your person. In your vehicle… perhaps going into the woods and cutting of from those around you could be the best possible option to avoid contamination with the virus.

Certainly you must ask yourself, should i be attending stadium with large crowds of people who could be carriers of this virus. The virus is undetectable for the fir 6-8 dats by visual analysis. the infected are not sick for seven to nine days according to reports. Can you afford to take chances that the people at the stadium are all ok?

The truth is you cannot over prepare for this. There is no guarantee that the other people on your daiy commute, around yu on planes, alking on the street are not infected.

This virus can be caught through your eyes. This is important information and worth getting yourself up to speed with all the important information about this family of virus.

So… get preparred. Be cautious of going into any crowds. Atleast have gas masks and bio suits in your house should the threat level become imminent in your locality. Don;t leave anything to the last minute… that is so often too late! Get on top of the situation now and take the steps to protect you and you loved ones.

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