Cozy Pouch Paper Dolls For Children! New >> My Paper Dolly Pouchpad & They have just launched their first gender neutral design!

Cozy Pouch Paper Dolls For Children! New >> My Paper Dolly Pouchpad & They have just launched our first gender neutral design!


Cozy pouch

Cozy Pouch is a manufacturer of modern paper dolls for children. They are creating modern paper dolls for young children (and bringing this awesome gadget-free game back from the past). That is why their paper dolls are very child friendly/easy to use: they are made of thick paper that does not tear easily, paper dolls are precut, there are no gazillions of tiny pieces of clothing with annoying tabs. Their paper dolls are very easy for little hands to play with! This year they launched their first design: My Paper Dolly Pouchpad: Welcome to Mimi’s. This is a paper doll house with a precut paper doll and 6 locations (living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, dressing room, backyard with a pool). Each location/scenery has a slit. A child simply inserts a paper doll in this slit and…. look! She is taking a bath! Or trying on a new outfit! This paper doll game is very beneficial for imagination development. Your little one will get in touch with that right side of their brain and put their imaginations to work. They have just launched their first gender neutral design! You can find paper dolls by Cozy Pouch on & AMAZON: INSTAGRAM: @cozypouch


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