Detoxing is not just for Jan its for Valentine’s Day, its for Mother’s Day, Spring, Father’s Day… St Agnes Rituals products are deliberately unisex &REMOVE from our bodies what doesn’t serve us. (GLOBAL DELIVERIES)

Detoxing is not just for Jan its for Valentine’s Day, its for Mother’s Day, Spring, Father’s Day… St Agnes Rituals is deliberately unisex which REMOVE from our bodies what doesn’t serve us.

New brand, St Agnes Rituals be included in your ‘Detox’ list!

In a sea of female skewed wellness brands, St Agnes Rituals has deliberately been designed as a unisex detox brand (so incredibly appropriate for INTOUCH RUGBY) offering kits, products, menu plans and
expert knowledge – all driven by the premise that optimum wellbeing can be achieve firstly by supporting our bodies in removing what doesn’t serve us.

See the full story @ –

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