Mother’s Day Gift: conditionHER, A Women-Owned &Black-Owned Intimate Skincare Brand

Mother’s Day Gift: conditionHER, A Women-Owned & Black-Owned Intimate Skincare Brand

Intimate care is the latest trend, and this product is perfect for self-care down there! This gift is perfect for the mother in your life to help them level up their intimate care regimen.

The winter season brings drier air, leaving your skin in need of some extra special attention and moisture. conditionHER safely hydrates the skin in the most intimate place on your body, your vulva. Say goodbye to annoying ingrown and chaffing and “hey, girl” to pH balance, smooth skin and softer hair (if you keep it there).

conditionHER is a natural, daily use moisturizing cream, scientifically formulated for your intimate area. It effectively maintains pH balance, slays ingrowns, fights chafing issues, nourishes skin and softens hair down there! Women around the globe struggle with yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and other issues that affect the vulva and vagina area. ConditionHER retails for only $29.99.

conditionHER was just named “Black Woman Business of the Year” in the Skin Care category by the non-profit organization Buy from a Black Woman. Here is a link to view Wendy and Eugenia’s recent conversation with A Black Woman’s Podcast from Buy from a Black Woman.

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