REVIEW Red Vape E-Liquid A High Quality Verdict! “I am absolutely delighted with this range of Reserva & from Red Vape, 1st Class, a very high quality E-Liquids” All purchased online!

REVIEW Red Vape E-Liquid A High Quality Verdict! “I am absolutely delighted with this range from Red Vape, 1st Class, a very high quality E-Liquids”


This range has been expertly made, by experts in their field. The package arrived by post which is so handy, their customer service is surpassed by one thing… the quality of the product! Using E-liquid is for me about 1 thing, its about the taste. To be totally honest my first six months using e-liquid was amazing because that experience 100% contributed to me giving up cigarettes, but then I realized i actually enjoyed using the e-liquid, I enjoyed the taste and the experience, I enjoyed that it is a modern take on a very ancient practice, and that it at thew very same time is very modern!

So far I have tasted their Havano Gold, Appleleaf, Perique, Shade & Havano Dark variants from the beautiful and aptly named RESERVA ragne, a distingushes and sublte range of tastes perfectly capturing the essence of the true tobacco flavoured taste experience!

I have also used the Trinity Creme, Strawberry Fusion & Angle Berry flavoured liquids and they are delightful! The taste of each is just really spot on and clearly the team at Red Vape have taken great care to get the taste just right!

Quality is writen all over this range, the names have been simply chosen , their online shop is professional and their customer service is the best i’ve experienced, the taste itself, the most important thing, is wonderful, beautifully blended flavours, capturing the essence of each flavour perfectly and even intensifying that flavour frankly.

Well done Red Vape, a simply superb experience in all respects and definitely worth using by any connoisseur, sand lest we forget they also use the finest natural ingredients! This complex range of superb flavours is a joy to use!






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