Are you tough enough to tackle this? The Departing Details workbook is the ultimate gift of kindness for your family.

Are you tough enough to tackle this? The Departing Details workbook is the ultimate gift of kindness for your family.


Are you tough enough to tackle this? The Departing Details workbook is the ultimate gift of kindness for your family. Every adult with assets and/or dependent’s needs to complete this workbook. It is a step-by step guide to leaving your loved ones with the information they need to know when you die or have an incapacitating injury or illness. It is a simple to use collection system and is the essential companion to your will. It is a new product, only available since April 2017 at

You can instantly download a copy for $24.99 Canadian ( approximately 15 GBP) and insert it in a binder of your choice. It has sold in 9 countries. The Workbook is an excellent gift for your partner, spouse or parents. If they don’t do it now, you will have to do it someday! This gift will be appreciated and not forgotten. Don’t kick this topic down field. Tackle it now!

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